Geek Edition: Rubik's Cube
source: eHow
What You'll Need:
- Cardboard box (the size is up to you.. as long as it can fit over you, you're set)
- Multi-colored construction paper (to go for the traditional Rubix Cube, get red, green, blue, orange, yellow, and white)
- Black paint
- Paint brush
- Black long sleeve shirt
- Black jeans/leggings/sweatpants (your preference & whatever makes you feel comfy)
- Clear packaging tape
- Glue
- Scissors
1. Close the box and seal all the edges with clear packaging tape. Cut a hole large enough for you body at the same location on the top and bottom of the box to comfortably slide your body through. Cut holes in the two opposite sides for your arms to poke out from.
2. Paint the outside of the box entirely black. Let it dry.
3. Arrange your construction paper in piles according to color. Measure the box to see how much space you have for the squares. Cut each color into nine equal sized square pieces.
4. Glue the colored squares onto the box in even rows, with three pieces in each row & column. You can have it "solved" or not, it's up to you. Each surface of the box should be used.
5. Dress in your black clothing and slip on the box and have fun!
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