Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Halloween Costume Idea #3

[[Costume idea #2, click here]]
Girl Edition: LISA LOEB in "STAY (I MISS YOU)"
I LOVED this song and video when I was younger and I kinda always wanted to be her... i think it's cuz she had some of the cutest glasses, lol..

Dress - Forever 21
Tights - Forever 21
Shoes - Urban Outfitters
Earrings - Target
Glasses - Urban Outfitters

Extra: To get the true essence of Lisa Loeb in the 90s for Halloween, part your hair in the middle and curl the ends inwards. Wear some dark red lipstick (DON'T add any gloss) and rock the cat eyeliner. Keep it simple, act a little and shy, and maybe bring a stuffed cat with you if you want. haha


  1. stop with the halloween costume ideas they're stupid. who wants to be lisa loeb? are you serious? nuff said.

  2. I enjoy doing these posts, so I'd rather not stop. If you don't like them, then I suggest you ignore them. Simple as that.

    God Bless, ANONYMOUS. :)
